Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submissions

The Local Organising Committee invites the submissions of abstracts for original work for consideration as an oral or poster individual presentation for the Antigen Processing and Presentation Workshop 2024 Program.

Please ensure to read the submission instructions below prior to submitting your abstract.

Submission Process

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and select for presentation as an Oral or Poster. All abstracts must be submitted electronically. Faxed or hard copy submissions will not be accepted. Abstracts must be submitted under the program topics/themes listed below.

Submission Themes

  1. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the MHC I pathway
  2. Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the MHC II pathway
  3. Structural and Biophysical Studies of Antigen Presentation
  4. Cross-presentation: molecular, cellular, and functional aspects
  5. Non-Classical MHC presentation
  6. T Cell Antigen Recognition
  7. Identification of MHC ligands: Biochemical and Bioinformatic Approaches
  8. Antigen Recognition by B cells and Antibody Responses
  9. Antigen Presentation in Cancer
  10. Antigen Presentation in Allergy & Autoimmunity
  11. Antigen Presentation in Infection
  12. Antigen Presentation in Vaccination and Immunotherapy

All accepted presenters must register to participate in the Workshop. Acceptance of abstracts into the program is contingent upon receipt of the registration fee.

Abstract Submission

Abstract Format & Layout

  • Abstracts must not exceed a 300-word limit. The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include the title, authors, and institutions.
  • Formatting is preserved (italics, bold, superscript, subscript, underlining) and symbol characters (ie ±, µ, ß) may be used.
  • The title must reflect the content of the presentation.
  • Authors and co-authors are requested to provide a short biography (up to 100 words) with their submission.
  • Abstracts must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
  • Use single-line spacing.
  • Travel funds will not be available to presenters. Author/s of accepted oral and poster presentations will be entitled to the early bird registration fee.

Submitting Your Abstract

Abstract submission is a two-step process. Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure your submission is uploaded into the eOrganiser portal correctly.

STEP 1: Create an author account

Firstly, you must create an account to upload an abstract. To begin, access the eOrganiser portal above. Click the “Create an Author Account” button and enter your contact details. These details are required to create the account. Once you have created an account within this portal you can proceed with your submissions.

STEP 2: Submitting your abstract

Once you have logged into the abstract submission portal, click the ‘Submit’ button to access the submission page. You will be required to provide the following details prior to submitting your abstract:

  • Indicate your preferred presentation type.
  • Enter your paper title in the ‘Paper Title’ box.
  • Type your abstract into the box/es provided within the portal, adhering to the word limit.
  • Add any additional emails to the email correspondence box (any email addresses entered here will be included in the correspondence emails that are sent to you).
  • Enter the name and organisation of all co-presenters and co-authors.
  • Ensure you indicate the presenting author(s) for the abstract and include a brief biography. The biography should be no more than 100 words.
  • Select the most relevant sub-theme for your abstract.
  • Answer the additional questions.

General Policies and Requirements

  • Previously published works are welcome although we do encourage the submission of new completed works. Copyright permission must be obtained by author(s) where previously published work is reproduced.
  • The submitter must be an author of the abstract.
  • The presenter must be an author of the abstract
  • Abstracts must be submitted eOrganiser by 22 February 2024.
  • Abstracts will not be accepted via fax, email, mail or USB/CD.
  • All required fields on the online abstract submission form must be completed.
  • All presenting authors will be required to register and pay for the Conference by the author registration deadline of Thursday 18 April 2024 to ensure that their abstract(s) are included in the final program.
  • It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure that the abstract is submitted correctly.
  • After an author has submitted their abstract, they must check their submission to ensure the document has been uploaded correctly.
  • Authors can check their submission by clicking on the viewing option in the submission form.
  • The Conference Managers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by internet services outages or other unforeseen events.

Notification of Acceptance

Notification of acceptance will be sent via email to the submitting author by 15 March 2024. Acceptance or otherwise is at the discretion of the Review Group whose decision is final. All presenting authors must register and pay to attend the Conference by Thursday 28 April 2024. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the program.



Program Information

Key Dates

Abstract Submissions Open

Friday 8 December 2023

Late Breaking Submissions Close

Friday 22 March 2024

Abstract Notifications

Friday 29 March 2024

Deadline for Speaker Registration

Thursday 11 April 2024

Detailed Program Available

Wednesday 24 April 2024